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Image by Ava Sol
Social Media - 9 June 2021
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Why is Brand identity important?

A brand identity can help your business to be more successful, by being strong and recognisable. It is the way you portray your business to your customers and that includes how you choose your business name, the design, logo, the colours, shapes or graphic and the language used (tone of voice). The strongest brand identity are fast recognisable – all around the world – and covey a message about that business. Companies such as Apple, Coca Cola, Adidas, Nike are spending millions of dollars, to promote and develop their brands, because they know it will have effect on their sales and market shares. Keep in mind that brand identity is different to the brand image, because that results of these offers I.e. a good brand identity translates into a positive brand image.

Why would a potential customer pay hundreds of thousands of euro to buy a product from you? Such as why would someone buy an iPhone instead of any other telephone. The technology is that much advance, there is not a lot of difference anymore.

It has all to do with personality. The visual representation of the values and “personality” of your brand. It can evoke specific feelings in your audience. It is important that your brand identity is designed to communicate your company’s message and values.

Be consistent with the use of the brands typographic, colours and design style. This should all be cohesive across all marketing materials. Consistency means your target audience is being exposed to core message, visual branding, and other elements repeatedly, which can help to solidify brand recognition.

Differentiation: Be different from your competition and appropriately position your brand. Stand out to potential customers in your market by using specific elements, colours and typographic. Using a SWOT analysis can help understand why your business is strength, weakness, thread or opportunity.


The more places your brand is featured such as on social media platforms, influencers, magazines, and articles, the more contact it will make with consumers, and the more memorable it will be. This will increase brand awareness.

Customer loyalty and trust will increase when your brand has an effective brand identity, since it allows customers to make a connection between a product and the company. Work with influencers a longer time than just one quick hit. Your brand should also be loyal to the people your working with. Furthermore, customer loyalty will increase when showing a consistent online presence and resharing, like and comment customers posts.

If you are struggling with brand awareness you have to work on sociability. 52% of the brands reputation is how they position themselves online. This will increase with more people on the internet and the more time consumers spend here. Interact online by sharing articles and posts about deals and events. The engagement with the target audience is now successfully. Furthermore, you business could use storytelling. Being bombarded with many ads every day, consumers have learned to switch off and block out annoying ads. Therefore, it is important to hold their attention for any campaign.

You want to know what we can do for your brand identity? 



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